We are a New England based business which offers a fine selection of photography. Our work covers a number of subjects, with special attention to high technical quality, lighting and composition. Our specialties are scenics, landscapes, coastal shots, lighthouses, and wildflower close-ups of New England.
Stock Photography - Our images are available for variety of uses including magazines, brochures, corporate reports, web sites and much, much more! These images are available as original 35mm slides or digital files. Contact Military Imagery for usage rates, indicating the image(s), intended usage, and estimated run.
Photographic enlargements - Most of the images in our collection are available as prints that can be used to decorate your home or office. They are available in a range of sizes, and can be ordered rolled, or matted. Only the highest quality papers are used for the finished enlargements. Quantity prices are also available. Please inquire for details.